Events 2009

Mar: 🚶🏼5🇪🇸 Nerja - mountains - Orgiva
Mar: ☀️5🇪🇸 Retreat in the mountains
Apr: ☀️ 80🇪🇸 near La Herradura
Aug: ☀️20🇩🇪 near Gersbach (Lörrach)
Aug: 🚶🏼6🇩🇪 South Germany
Oct: 🚴3🇪🇸 Basel - South Spain
Nov: 🚶🏼3🇪🇸 Nerja - Orgiva - Santa Fé
▶ Details

▶ Country: 🇪🇸 = Spain
🇩🇪 = Germany
▶ Participants
▶ Kind of event:
🚶🏼= Hike (Walkabout, Walk)
☀️ = Camp (Gathering
    or Retreat)
🚴 = Bicycle tour
▶ Month in which the event took place

Walkabout - South Spain

01 - 10 Mar 2009  ★  5 people started from the Cala Chica, a little beach on the Mediterranean coast (left of the town Nerja) into the mountains. Destination was the Beneficio, a Hippie-camp with more than 100 people, close to the town Órgiva. The first night we had a nice cave in the mountains to sleep, the next two days were rainy, and we slept two times in a little house in the mountains. The fourth night we found a hut for animals to sleep. But the next day we noticed: We got unpleasant fleas from this hut! So one day later the other three people cancled the tour; they couldn't sleep because of the itching, and I continued alone to the Beneficio.

Fasting Retreat - South Spain

20 - 23 Mar 2009  ★  3 to 5 people were fasting more or less in the mountains close to the town Nerja. We slept in a cave, made walks, meditated... However, it was not a very focused Retreat.

Rawfood Gathering - South Spain

31 Mar - 12 Apr 2009, close to La Herradura  ★  Up to 80 sisters and brothers were on this Rainbow; altogether about 200 people were coming and going. More than half of them came from the surrounding area, especially from Beneficio. A lot of the participants offered workshops like Hatha-yoga, Acro-Yoga, Thai-massage, meditation, overtone-singing, Afro-singing, Afro-dancing, Rainbow-songs learning, languages, introduction to the rawfood scene, permanent Rawfood Rainbow, wild food walk, making strings, making fire. Far away you can see a big mountain; with 4 brothers I climbed it at 08/04.

Some statements: “Here I can be like I am, here I feel accepted and loved” - “Here I feel more and more peace in my heart” - “In the circles I miss the consciousness for what we do. Because the circle with a fire in the middle is a symbol of Rainbow” - It´s unusual on Rainbows that you can see cars there, that disturbs the atmosphere” - "I wish that the Rainbow people come with bicycles or public transport and not with cars or even with planes” - “Rufino is great” (Rufino is the owner of the land, and he sold us ecologic fruits and vegetables) - “That´s the true Rainbow-kitchen: almost all ecologic and from local cultivation” - The music is so super and versatile, everything self made” - The Rainbow shows that you can sing and dance and be happy without drugs” - "Welcome to the Rainbow, aguacate, chirimoya" (our Rawfood-Rainbow-Song)
Rufino wrote (the owner of the land):
Raw food is more than eating! From me you got 998 kg food. This helps
the ecological agriculture, and it´s good for the environment, and you have
only compostable rubbish. Also the ecological food is better for your
health, you know. So it preserves the flora outside as well as the

Rawfood Gathering - South Germany

22 July - 02 Aug 2009, close to Gersbach (Lörrach)  ★  Up to 20 brothers and sisters came together for connecting, singing, sharing hearts and lives and living on raw food. The weather was unsettled. One time some people went and the Gathering seemed to get too small, but in the evening new people arrived, and we were happy again.

Walkabout - South Germany

02 - 06 Aug 2009  ★  In the beginning 6, later 5 people walked after the Gathering over little mountains. In the end it was too difficult to come together, and a couple left for visiting friends, so the tour ended.

Bicycle-Tour Germany - Spain

19 Sept - 19 Oct 2009  ★  Barefeet and topless on the bicycle - maybe the French police man wanted to be like this as well? It was hot! But we had no problem. With me Herrmann from east Germany and Herbert from Austria joined the tour, both are more than 60 years old. For me a nice experience again.

Walkabout - South Spain

22 Nov - 06 Dec 2009  ★  We started in Nerja: Alex, Joel (only 19 years old) and me. We climbed on El Cielo (15010 m) and walked further over the mountains. Close to Órgiva we spent some days at friends, then Alex and me continued in direction Granada. We went quite high in the mountains, sometimes through snow, and the nights were cold. In Granada we spent some days again at friends, then we went to the wonderful hot springs at Santa Fé. But it can be dangerous; I was too long in the water, got weak, and Alex saved my life. Then we went separated ways back to the Mediterranean coast.

Gathering 22 Jul - 2 Aug:


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