Terramana community

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13 Dec 2023

Here I publish an invitation from my friends Oiko and Seve. They got a beautiful situated land from a benevolent Buddhist head monk in Sri Lanka and create there a spiritual raw food community. Or in Sumatra (Indonesia)... Read more about Terramana community

Event visions

Update: 18 Sept 2024

Every now and then we get tips from friends or from our own inspiration about where we could go hiking. And yes, they are usually wonderful ideas. We collect them here, looking forward to many more years of hiking so we can make them all happen... Read more about Event visions
26 Nov 2023

Inflammation in my foot and leg

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11 Nov: I feel something strange in my right foot. It becomes an inflamation, not on the skin but inside.

12 Nov: I walk with crutches, because if I walk without crutches I have pain in the foot.

14 Nov: I have also pain in my leg if I use it for walking. I don't have permanent pain. I eat a raw food diet with little furits, and I fast sometimes a bit.

21 Nov: Our friend Pascale visits us and brings a natural medicine: DSMO, produced by friends in the Alpujarras, and magnesium water. I don't like taking medicine, not even natural medicine. I would like to give my body the time to heal itself without using any means to speed up the healing process. But this time I make an exception. I put the magnesium water on the skin of my leg a mixture of DSMO and magnesium water on the skin of my foot. After a few hours, the inflammation in the foot becomes more severe, the foot becomes warm and hurts a little even when resting. I can't sleep for several hours at night and have to move constantly to endure the pain. I get up and work on the laptop, now it's easier to bear. After a while the pain subsides and I fall asleep.

22 Nov: I try again without any more medicine. The symptoms become a little less.

1 Dec: The leg feels better. I start to use the leg a bit, but I walk with crutches still.

17 Dec: Since some days I walk sometimes without crutches. Yesterday I cycled 14km to the church service and back. Now I notice: it was a bit much, the foot feels a bit worse..

24 Dec: Today and yesterday I cycled to the chruch again. Now it feels ok to do that, although there is still a rest of inflammation in the foot.

26 Mar 2024: In the meantime, I have had my foot checked by a doctor. It seems that I have a small fracture in my foot. It could be from a fall after the paddle tour in Oct 2023. After the examination, I was sent to a hospital in Málaga to have a minimally invasive operation to widen the vein. However, the doctor at the hospital said that the operation was not necessary and that the foot could still heal on its own. I can still feel a difference between my two feet. However, I am cycling to El Morche again. From 14 March, I will try to hike carefully.

I had a similar disease already two times before: In April 2013, during the gathering over Órgiva, I jumped from a 1m high wall and couldn't walk suddenly anymore. I used crutches for about a month. And in October 2021, during the paddling tour, I couldn't walk for a few days.

23 Nov 2023

Thermal Walk cancelled

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We wanted to hike from the coast to the hot spring near Santa Fé on 18 - 24 Nov. I've been there a few times and have learned to love the place. The water is around 40 degrees and there are several hot waterfalls. Murielle hasn't been there yet because the spring has been closed and guarded for the past few years.

11 Nov: I feel something strange in my right foot. It becomes an inflamation, not on the skin but inside.

17 Nov: I walk only on one leg and with crutches. Murielle needs to go to France soon. So we cancel the walkabout. We will do it somewhen next year. There were two people who were interested to participate one day in the walkabout. I missed to inform them in time, I apologize. More about my leg disease

2 Nov 2023

Change in the newsletter

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With the newsletter I send the invitations to our events via email. Until February 2022, the newsletter was hosted by mailman. Then there were problems with mailman's server, and I sent the invitations directly by email to the more than 1000 subscribers, which meant some extra work. Now I have found a new free provider: freelists.org. Yesterday I sent an invitation via freelists for the first time, the invitation to our "Thermal Walk", 18 - 24 Nov 2023. Newsletter details

Screenshot of 9 undeliverable emails

Undeliverable newsletter emails in Oct 2022

2 Nov 2023

All my blogger videos are gone

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Does this picture look familiar? This message can currently be found on several pages of this website - all the videos I uploaded to blogger have disappeared for more than a week! I have a copy of most of the videos on my laptop, and I've read that it's better to upload videos elsewhere (I do it on youtube) and embed or link them here. But it's a strange process, I can't explain the cause. So I asked in the blogger forum about the cause - but got no answer. Apparently the experts there are just as baffled as I am! I'll keep trying to find out what the problem is so I don't have to worry about more strange things happening to my blog... I will report here if I find out the cause.

Message "Video is unavailable" on my blog

Message "Video is unavailable" on my blog

21 Oct 2023

Survival Walk cancelled

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Nobody registrated for this event. And even my partner Murielle prefered to stay at home after the tiring paddle tour. So, I cancel the Survival Walk that we wanted to do on 21 - 17 Oct 2023 and envisage Oct 2024 for the walkabout. We want to live a few days on the berries and nuts we find in the Alpujarras mountains in South Spain: Dúrcal ► Cascada de los Bolos ► Hiking trail PRA-385 ► Hiking trail GR-240 (Sulayr) ► We decide spontaneously where to cuntinue. "Cascada de los Bolos" is an impressive waterfall where we can get a water massage. On the hiking trail "Sulayr", we want to live a few days on the food we find there. Beneficio is a hippie village.

Rose hip on a branch

Rose hip - one of our fruits on the Survival Walk

21 Oct 2023

First rain of the saison

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In the last two nights we got about 30mm and 10mm of rain. This is wonderful news for us! We haven't had any significant rain for four months. That was normal a few years ago, now it is a pleasantly short dry season. In summer, we had little water for irrigation because the source that supplies us with water had less water than before. I have heard that the water flows underground from the Sierra Nevada to the source. And in the Sierra Nevada it rained much less than normal last season. The same with us: there was heavy rain only in December and in June. Now we hope for more water from the clouds in the coming season.

Bucket with some water in it, ruler

I measure the rain with a bucket.

Meenhard on the piano

Update: 28 Oct 2023

When I lived in Germany, I played the piano at parties, events and in restaurants. Sometimes it was a concert-like perfor­mance, but mostly discreet background music. I still offer both. I enjoy playing classical music and well-known new melodies from many areas. Here you can find some recordings... Read more about Meenhard on the piano

Paddle Tour

10 - 16 Oct 2023

One week paddling over the sea - and sleeping on beaches! This piece of plastic beneath me allows me to travel over 70 kilometers on water... Read more about Paddle Tour

Our fruits

Update 9 Oct 2023


Do you know Sapote blanco? Pitanga? Chayotes? Here's table of the garden fruits with ripening times, and another table of the fruits from our surroundings, i.e. near Nerja on the Mediterranean coast. We get them as gifts from friends, and we pick fruits from trees in public spaces... Read more about Our fruits
27 Sept 2023

Raw food gathe­ring in Sri Lanka

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Oiko and Seve are two special friends of mine. They have been consistent raw foodists for many years, led the raw food community "Terramana" in Sumatra (Indonesia) for several years - and now they are starting afresh in Sri Lanka! They found a beautifully situated piece of land there, with the sea on one side and a lake on the other, and very secluded. They are inviting people to a raw food gathering there in November. Soon they will send me the invitation and I will publish it (at least partially) here on the blog. They have the full support of the local people and authorities.

Update 18 Dec: There wasn't really a raw food gathering there. But they are on the way to create a spiritual raw food community on their land in Sri Lanka. You can find some information on the following page: invitation!

Oiko and Seve

Oiko and Seve in Sri Lanka

27 Sept 2023

Paddle tour a bit earlier

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A few days ago I sent out two invitations via the newsletter. There is a change in the first invitation: we will not start the paddle tour on 14 October, but already on 9 or 10 October! From 18 October, Manfred's boat will no longer be available to us because Manfred will be visited by his children who want to use it. The tour will last about a week. Two people have already signed up and want to bring another boat!

Murielle and I paddle on the sea

Murielle and I on our last Paddle tour, 20 Oct 2022

20 Sept 2023

Purulent wounds - update

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In the meantime, the two large wounds no longer form pus. They have grown big, but now they are clearly healing. A few small pus blisters have appeared, but they didn't get so big because I treated them earlier. The photo is from yesterday, you can see a new pus blister before I opened it. It looks better now, the pus is gone, the wound is just a bit red. Every day I dip a needle into neem oil and open the pus blisters with it - carefully, I don't want to press on the pus blisters too much. And several times a day I put some neem oil on the wound. This is my personal way though, as I had already bought the neem oil, didn't want to buy anything else, didn't want to go to the doctor and felt it would be fine. Normally it is recommended to put a traction pointment on the pus blisters earlier. If that doesn't help, you should have the blister cut open by a doctor.

My fingers with purulent wounds

Update: since 27 Sept I don't use the neem oil anymore, because the wounds are looking better. After the paddling tour in October 2023, I got another infection with pus on my index finger, which I also treated successfully with neem oil.

13 Sept 2023

Again the cat... 13 Sept 2023

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Until this morning, I have lost four out of five chicks. I wanted to keep the last chick. So, I started to prepare a cage that would be secured on all sides. While I was working on it this morning, I heard a beeping noise in the stable. I looked and saw the chick sitting on the perch and beeping. I thought it would come. The mother was already outside and seemed calm and wasn't worried. So I went back to the cage and continued working on it. After a while I heard another beeping sound, now it sounded desperate. I looked again - the chick was gone! I couldn't find it outside either. My explanation: The cat had sneaked into the stable in the morning. The other chickens were either already outside or they ran away out of fear of the cat. The mother probably also had less of a protective instinct and saw already the chick as independent. And finally the cat snapped... Now all the chicks are dead. I'm experiencing this for the first time. In the past I have lost a few chicks to a fox, but never to a cat. I take it as a warning for next year.

Watch video on youtube:
2 chickens after losing the chicks
Beauti and Dödi

Beauti and Dödi, now without chicks. I had figs in my hand and Beauty saw it...

Beauti is higher in the chicken rank than Dödi. As long as Dödi had chicks, Beauti often chased Dödi away at feeding time. After all the chicks were dead, Dödi and Beauti stood silently head to head for about a minute. The scene touched me, it reminded me of human grief after losing a family member.

5 theses on religions

Update: 21 Sept 2023

People have done terrible things by appealing to God's will. Are there also positive effects? Here you can read what is agnosticism, why I like it, what potential I see in religions, what I miss from Christian church services... Read more about 5 theses on religions
10 Sept 2023

Purulent wounds

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I've had these two festering sores for a few days now, and they're getting bigger every day. I have the feeling that I will open the blisters with a needle by tomorrow at the latest. The wounds were probably caused by the small spines of prickly pears (cactus figs). I prefer to hold these fruits in my hand instead of handling them with a knife and fork. I've been doing this for many years, but this time two spots became infected. I think it has something to do with my diet, although this assumption is not scientifically based. Since reducing my fruit intake, I've been eating more cooked veggies, whole grain crackers, and oatmeal. All organic, but it's heated food. A few days ago a bar of organic chocolate was added, with 100% cocoa content, i.e. no added sugar, but the cocoa beans were of cause roasted. In the past, however, I sometimes ate 10 to 20 prickly pears and picked them up directly, apart from many other small injuries that I got on the finca without them becoming infected.
P.S. I opened them, it was necessary. But still the wounds become bigger from day to day. I wonder if it's the contagious form of Staphylococcus.  Therefore I use neemoil for the wounds and avoid touching other people.

2 purulent sores on my fingers
10 Sept 2023

Black cat stole chick

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2 days ago I made this last video of Dödi's 4 chicks. Meanwhile, we have given them names: Stephy, Sparky, Aimjie and Meeni. This morning, however, I heard a frantic peep from a chick in the same place as shown at the beginning of the video. I ran and looked and saw a black cat running away with a black chick in its mouth. I ran after it - but the cat was faster.
P.S. 3 days later 2 more chicks disappeared! Now there are only one chick from Dödi and one chick from Beauty. Fortunately they cannot go through the fence anymore, because they are too big for that. And if they are closer to the other chickens, the cat will not catch them, I hope.

Watch video on youtube:
4 chicks of Dödi
4 chicks of Dödi

So sweet...

3 Sept 2023

Murielle's headstand

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My partner Murielle considers the headstand a particularly good yoga exercise. And as you can see, she practices it regularly! It's one of her favourite posture. She learned it 2011 in Belgium from an 80 years old yoga teacher, who practised the headstand everey day at home. She still appreciate his teaching. When she does the handstand, she often thinks of him. "The practice is claimed by the Dattatreya Yoga Shastra to destroy all diseases. to increase the digestive fire, and to banish signs of ageing" (Wikipedia)

Watch video on youtube:
Murielle's headstand
Murielle's headstand

29 Aug 2023

Hair cut

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For many years I've been cutting my hair only once a year, for some years only every two years, because my partner prefers long hair. But I still want to cut it sometimes, because I don't like it quite so long. Today was one of those days. A neighbour lent me her hair clippers. I was sceptical at first because it was quite small. But it worked like a charm! In a short time everything that was hanging around up there was gone. And my partner and friends had to look twice when they saw me.... I keep the hair, I still have the hair from the last haircut. Someday I'll make a long tear-proof string out of them. Of course I'll show you how to do it then!

Watch video on youtube:
Meenhard without hair, only with beard
After haircut

Don't worry, Meenhard!

Contagious skin disease

✍ 22 Aug 2023

If you ever have several wounds that don't heal but get bigger, I have a few tips for you. As with any disease, I think it's important to accept it. Infectious diseases can strengthen the immune system and ultimately be good for health. But sometimes it is important to take a few measures. Same with this disease... Read more about Contagious skin disease
25 Aug 2023

Watermelon from our garden

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We have been cultivating a few watermelons in summer for 3 years, this summer only 3 plants that self-seeded with the mulch because of the lack of water. But there are 4 fruits on the plants - and they are very tasty! In the photo you can see the second watermelon. The seeds are unusually large because it is an old variety. It comes from an old farmer, is well adapted to our climate and always produces very tasty fruit.

Open watermelon, big black seeds

Mulberry Retreat

16 - 20 Aug 2023

We were up to 12 people including 2 children of 5 and 10 years. 5 of us have been there several times, the others were newcomers. The place was the same as last year. There are many mulberries, figs, almonds, grapes, blackberries, and water sources... Read more about Mulberry Retreat
1 Aug 2023


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Since September 2022 I haven't had any illnesses except for 3 days of coughing in January and occasionally slight symptoms such as a cold for a day or some slight pain. For more than a week now I have had slight abdominal pain with certain movements and my stomach then feels a little heavy. I researched something on the internet: it could be gastritis. I only ate a green smoothie today and am beginning to fast or eat very little.

P.S. A few days later it felt more like a problem with the liver, a squeeze right below the ribs. During august the symptom disappeared.

25 Jul 2023

2 events cancelled

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I invited in June and July 2023 to a "Lucero Walk" and a "Grazalema Walk". However, no one has registered for the events. Murielle and I then considered whether we wanted to hike alone. But we lacked the motivation. We preferred to continue working on the house and garden - and on this blog.

Interest in our events has decreased again. Jean Claude and Daniela, who used to love to hike with us, have moved away. And this blog is still hard to find on Google. I have optimized it in terms of loading time, accessibility, clarity, etc., but the most important thing is still missing: backlinks. I will work on it in the near future.

Lucero moutain

Photo: Lucero, east side

24 Jul 2023

4 new chicks

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Dödi, our smallest hen hatched 4 chicks 4 days ago. In Germany we call someone "Dödi" who is slow to understand and move. For example, Dödi is often the last to arrive at feeding time. "She waddles on her stomach," Murielle once said, also because Dödi has such short legs. Nevertheless, she is doing well and taking good care of her 4 chicks now!

Watch video on youtube:
4 chicks, 2 white, 2 black ones, with their mother
4 chicks at feeding

Our lifestyle

✍ 15 July 2023

We live in a wooden cottage with no heating, no car, no fridge, no TV, no sofa, no cooking, no WC... We live like this, not because we have to, but because we want to. Can you imagine that? Take a look at our cottage... Read more about Our lifestyle
3 Jul 2023

Courgettes for free

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A guest brought us lots of courgettes that he got as a gift from a farmer - so many that not even the chickens could eat them all. We mulched a young Longan tree with them. New plants grew from the seeds and gave us the fruits in the photo. (And on the left the moon is shining...) The plants then got a fungal disease, with horsetail tea they would probably have lived longer.

4 courgettes in my hand over the plant, on the left we see my bald head.

Outdoor weather tips

✍ 25 June 2023

Our tours mostly take place in southern Spain, in the most comfortable weather conditions possible, with very little luggage. But even in the local mountains, unexpected rain showers, storms, thunderstorms and cold snaps are possible... Read more about Outdoor weather tips

Pitanga fruits

Update: 1 June 2023

Almost no one here knows Pitanga fruits (Suriname cherries, Eugenia uniflora). But they are tasty, they grow easily in our area and tolerate dry periods. It's a large shrub or small tree, growing slowly up to 8m high, native to tropical Southeast America.The fruits are juicy, aromatic and a bit sweet... Read more about Pitanga fruits

Connecting pipes with waste materials

✍ 1 June 2023

If you need to make a watertight connection between two pipes, you usually buy a connector. But you can also use old bicycle inner tubes and wire. This saves you money and protects the environment... Read more about Connecting pipes with waste materials

Water emergency

Update: 28 May 2023

28 May 2023: This season is also unusually dry. It rained a lot in December 2022, but almost not at all in the other months from summer 2022 to April 2023. Water for irrigation was already running out. We get the water from a source... Read more about Water emergency
26 May 2023

Where to put blackberry vines?

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Blackberries grow quickly when there is water and die quickly when it is dry... We have cut a lot of blackberry vines. They have to go, I don't like them as mulch because I walk barefoot. Burning is also out of the question, it is forbidden here from the beginning of May. So I bury them. Here I dig a big hole into which I stomp them later, cut into small pieces. A lot of work, but it is also an excellent preparation for planting a fast-growing tree later...

I, Meenhard, am digging in a big hole

Sprouting tips

✍ 1 May 2023

Sprouting and fermenting are the healthiest and most economical way to prepare seeds! Here are tipps for buckwheat, chickpeas, lentils, linseeds, sesame and sunflower seeds. We also discuss if they are good to eat raw... Read more about Sprouting tips

Tarifa Walkabout

15 - 21 Apr 2023

We started in Algeciras and walked to Tarifa. But Tarifa is known for the windy weather. We can confirm that... Read more about Tarifa Walkabout

My health history

✍ 25 Feb 2023

Since I first tried raw food in 1996 I have managed without medication. But in the first few years I had a lot of caries and got a full denture. At that time I also had phases in which I ate a lot of cooked food including sweets. Today I allow myself some cooked food, but normally no sweets and nothing fried. I never say never... Read more about My health history

Winter weather

✍ 9 Feb 2023

The last few nights here were probably the coldest of the year - around 5 degrees plus. Last night I slept with two jackets, one pair of pants, socks, 3 blankets and I put my sleeping bag on top of that. But it was windy, the wind sometimes blew some blankets aside. Still, I was able to sleep reasonably well... Read more about Winter weather

Cherimoya Walkabout

1 - 6 Jan 2023

An easy Walkabout with a couple from Galilee. For them, connecting with hikers and with the people we meet on the way is a higher priority, as is avoiding grocery shopping... Read more about Cherimoya Walkabout