Our fruits
Update 9 Oct 2023
Do you know Sapote blanco? Pitanga? Chayotes? Here's table of the garden fruits with ripening times, and another table of the fruits from our surroundings, i.e. near Nerja on the Mediterranean coast. We get them as gifts from friends, and we pick fruits from trees in public spaces...You will only find here fruit trees or perennial plants with edible fruits. Links to our annual plants with fruit: watermelon, courgette
You can read the ripening time from the list below:
"gmg" means fruit from our garden is ripe (m = "many").
"OOO" means fruit from our surrounding is ripe.
Ripe fruits in our garden
We have also in the garden:
- Avocados all year round
- Bananas ("Cavendish" and "Quadrados") often
- Physalis often
- Monstera fruits sometimes
- Peramelons rarely
- Carizas rarely
- Tomatoes sometimes a few small ones
Ripe fruits in our surroundings
Now a list of fruits that we don't have in the garden yet but get from neighbors or collect from public trees:
Photos from our garden
Sapote blanco, 15 June 2023
This big tree is only 10 years old!
Black maracuya, 15 June 2023
Passion Fruit. If we plant 3, 1 grows well.
Orange maracuya, 15 June 2023
It seems to bear more fruit in France
Strawberries, 6 June 2023
A kind from Sveden
Watch video on youtube:
Monstera deliciosa
Monstera deliciosa, 5 June 2023
Only part of the fruit is ripe at a time
Sapote Negro, 5 May 2023
Our "chocolate tree", related to kaki
Physalis, 5 May 2023
Planted by birds, growing easily
Pink mulberry, 5 May 2023
The tree is planted by birds. It's growing fast.
Black mulberry, 5 May 2023
The tree is grafted by a friend - well done!
Kumquat, 5 May 2023
Mini orange, eat with peel
Nisperos, 5 May 2023
We have several trees, planted by birds
Cherimoyas, 6 Mar 2023
Tasting like sweet yoghurt