Events 2013

Jan: 🚶🏼7🇪🇸 Nerja - mountains - Nerja
May: ☀️🇪🇸 Sierra de Cazorla, not only raw
Jul: ☀️50🇦🇹 Tirol, near the German border
Aug: ☀️100🇩🇪 near Gersbach, had to move
Oct: 🚶🏼8🇪🇸 Nerja - mountains - Nerja
▶ Details

▶ Country: 🇪🇸 = Spain
🇦🇹 = Austria
🇩🇪 = Germany
▶ Participants
▶ Kind of event:
🚶🏼= Hike (Walkabout, Walk)
☀️ = Camp (Gathering
    or Retreat)
▶ Month in which the event took place

Walkabout  South Spain

26 - 30 Jan 2013  ★  Here in South Spain the coldest time in the year is really nice for walking - if the weather is sunny like on this walkabout! The first both days we walked directly along the coast, then landinside into the mountains...

Saturday, 26 Jan: Around midday two women and five men in the age from 22 to 49 years are coming together on the finca where I live. We walk through the next village "Maro", through a plantation area, and then we make a talking circle about the continuation: an easy route with a bit motor traffic or a difficult version with nice landscape? We try the last one. On a small path we walk through the wildness to the separated beach "Fin del Mundo" ("end of the world") and make a rest. Then we climb up and come to another path, which goes to a nice situated house and further to the National Road. Before there is a small path to the right; Jozsef and me try it out, the other people prefer the safer way. The path is nice, only at the end we have to climb a bit down. We come together again at the next beach, Playa Molino. There is a nice cave, four of us sleep therein, the other outside.

Sunday: The four cave sleepers go back; Andro, Alex and me continue walking along the coast from beach to beach. From the Torre it would be better to follow the official walking path (signed white-red) uphill; we go down the steps to the next beach, and soon we have to climb difficultly (see photo). Afterwards we take again the walking path and leave it at the Playa There we wade some meters through the sea and come to the nudist beach .Directly at this beach there is a big cave; we slept close to it.

Monday: Now we go landinside. The riverbed of the Rio Jate proves to be bad for walking, so we take roads on the westside of the valley (shorter would be the eastside!). We come through the place of the Rawfood Gathering from spring 2009 - the cactus fig which we planted there are growing well! We find a lot of fruits and sleep in a little pine wood.

Tuesday: The night was pleasant warm, but in a river bed we discover frozen grass! The river beds are normally colder than a bit uphill. We take a road with almond trees, cross wildness and come to the Peña Escrita - a zoo here up in the mountains! The entrance is free for pedestrians. Anro is an active animal protector; he criticize us, that we watch the locked in animals. He walks through the zoo, and we meet again at the other side of the zoo. In the zoo we fill up our water, because we're coming now into the mountains, up to 1.600 m high, and there is neither water nor fruits - but nice views (see photos)! From the El Cielo (1.507 m) we walk down, and with the darkness we arrive at the abandoned finca "El Civila", our overnight place.

Wednesday: Alex walks already in the night back to Nerja, Andro and me in daytime, with a discussion about communication: When is an interruption senseful? We're feeling in this subject a bit different.


Gathering - South Spain

10 May - 8 June 2013  ★  We planned to make at this time a Rawfood Gathering, in the same time the Spanish Rainbow Family wanted to make a Healing Gathering. So we unified both to a "Purification Gathering", where cokking and even smoking was accepted in a separated tipi. It was an attempt, but in the end I feel to do it not again. The energy on the Rawfood Gatherings is higher, what I feel. Nevertheless, it was a nice gathering, 1.500 m high up in the Sierra de Cazorla, 30 km far away from the next village, surrounded from nice nature.


Gathering - Austria

08.07. - 06.08.2013  ★  A small but beautiful gathering on a private meadow in Tirol, close to the German border, well organized by the son of the owner of the meadow and a sister who lives close by. Up to 50 brothers and sisters. There were several children too, and the atmosphere was family. The food was varied, inclusive some spices like cinnamon, which was missing at former Rawfood Gatherings.


Gathering - South Germany

8 Aug - 5 Sept 013  ★  With more than 100 people at full moonthis gathering became too big for the place. It is situated in a natural protected area. After a denuciation of nature protecting people, we got some restrictions from the authorities. Besides some people behaved respectless in the next village Gersbach - load a laptop at private places, entered ia private garden to get some berries... This problems might be a result of announcing the gathering publically with the directions. Many people came because they heard from it at facebook, and some of them even did not know that it was a healing rawfood gathering. Finally we had to move, and we found a good alternative place on the area of an alternative school and a Demeter farm, around 30 km away from the former place at Gersbach.


Walkabout - South Spain

15. - 18. Oct 2013  ★  Around 8 people joined this walkabout the first day and night in a cave. Afterwards we were 3 people. The route was similar like the walkabout from January 2013: Through the village Maro, from beach to beach along the coast and land inside.

Walkabout 26-30 Jan:

Gathering 10 May - 8 June:


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