Events 2016

Feb: 🚶🏼  5🇪🇸 Santa Fé (hot spring) - Nerja
with an unexpected rain...
Apr: ☀️🇪🇸 near Álora on private land
Dec: 🚶🏼2🇪🇸 Nerja - mountains - Nerja
over the clouds...
▶ Details

▶ Country: 🇪🇸 = Spain
▶ Participants
▶ Kind of event: 🚶🏼= Hike (Walkabout, Walk)
☀️ = Camp (Gathering
    or Retreat)
▶ Month in which the event took place

Rawfood Walkabout 

19-24 Feb  ★  Santa Fé (hot spring) - Alhama de Gr. - mountains - Nerja. We were 5 people inclusive 2 children. We walked from the hot spring near Santa Fé to the hot spring near Alhama de Granada, to the highest mountain in our region (La Maroma, 2.066m) and on the other side down to Nerja. After visiting La Maroma, we slept one night quite high in the mountains and got an unexpected rain shower. My companions brought a big tarp and built it up, so that they could sleep with 3 persons under it. The rain came with some wind. After some minutes I decided to stand up and look for the big tarp. As my rain protection was already in use to protect my sleeping place, I did it naked. the big tarp was broken down. I built it up again in the rain, so that my companions stayed dry more or less. I think I avoided a catastrophe... However, next morning, after the rain, the youngest participant cried as she felt cold and exhausted. But my thick jacket helped her, it almost reached her feet. After the Walkabout, she talked about doing such a tour again.

Rawfood Gathering

9 - 24 Apr  ★  We gathered again close to Álora, 40 km northeast of Málaga, on the private land of Patrick and Renate. Normally we prefer a place in the wilderness. But there was a river that we could swim in, many orange trees and 2 huge pecan nut trees... I write this report in June 2022, so I don't remember more details.

Rawfood Walkabout 

9 - 12 Dec  ★  Nerja - mountains -El Cielo - Nerja. A young guy accompanied me on this mountain tour. One night we slept on top of El Cielo (1.510m). It was a special night under the stars, the clouds under us, with a little frost. All the photos are from this mountain.

Walkabout 9 - 12 Dec:

Top of a mountain, over the clouds


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