Peak Walkabout

21 - 26 July 2018

About 10km from my land at the Mediterranean coast, there begins a chain of mountains, about 25km long (airline). There are some hikers, but very few people are hiking several days in these mountains and sleeping there outdoor...
Map of Southern Spain
South Spain

A map should appear here soon...

◄-► 80km
𖣫 3000m
► Nerja-Maro
► Mountains
► Nerja-Maro

Mountains of Nerja (Málaga), South Spain  ★  About 10km from my land at the Mediterranean coast, there begins a chain of mountains, about 25km long. There are some hikers, but very few people are hiking several days in these mountains and sleeping there ioutdoor.... I never heard that anyone made a tour from the first to the last mountain. This was my goal - maybe too high?

The first mountain is called "El Cielo" ("The sky"), 1.508m high, very visible from the coastal civilization like the town Nerja. Some people joined only to climb on this mountain. After 2 nights we were 5 people who joined the whole tour. But we did only a part of this mountain chain, because of some problems:

On the 2nd day we lost the path and went through many bushes. And a water mission lasted much longer than expected.

On the 4th day we came into a part of this chain where I never was before. There are some narrow ridges with steep cliffs on both sides. Some of us didn't want to dare. We went down on the South side (which was challenging as well) and spent the night at a beautiful place with a clean brook.

Next morning we walked up again over the road of "Fabrica del Iman", to the top after the difficult cliffs. We reached the "Puerto de Frigiliana', with 1.240m the deepest point of the mountain chain. It was the 5th day in the mountains. Because of a lack of food we went down and back to my land.

This was not the last try to manage the whole mountain chain! Also the narrow ridges are accessible in my view. But I need to calculate 5 days instead of 3. I'll be flexible, offering an alternative way on the northside if you have a bit of fear of heights. It's a really wonderful tour. If you feel ready to do that with me, please let me know. Any time is fine for me, but in the summer the temperatures are perfect in these mountains.

Click on the photos to get a better quality:

Monday, 23 July 2018:

moutain ridge over the clouds

Close to Nava Chica (1832m)

Once the clouds came close but didn't reach us

Tuesday, 24 July:

The difficult part. I'm scouting.

We decided not to do it.

Challenging descent

Wednesday, 25 July:

On the 22 July the water was scarce. The other days we found plenty.

On top again

Close to Puerto de Frigiliana

Notice in Spanish

The next source to Puerto de Frigiliana at the path on the South side


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