Gathering & Walkabout
21 - 23 Oct 2018
North of Cáceres, West SpainSince 2017 the Spanish Rainbow family hold every year a raw food Gathering. To invite mainly people who are connected to the Rainbow family, it was neither announced in internet nor via newsletters, and they chose a time when it could be cold...
North of Cáceres, Spain ★ Since 2017 the Spanish Rainbow family organizes every year a Rawfood Gathering. To reach that mainly such people come who are connected to the Rainbow family and appreciate this kind of gathering and not such people who just want to look there for a few days, the gathering was not announced in public internet sites, and the invitation was not spreaded over newsletters. And they chose a time when the weather is quite cool. However, more than 100 brothers and sisters were there at full moon. The gathering took place from 9 Oct to 7 Nov 2018. The weather was quite warm and sunny. But some days later the temperatures became 12 degrees lower, it was even snowing. Many people left, like we did as well. Before full moon, from 21 to 23 Oct, we did a Walkabout in the beautiful area with many figs, cactus figs and grapes.