Mulberry Retreat

30 Aug - 6 Sept 2019

There are many elderly people living in the small village Cástaras, but there is no public bus and no food to buy. But you can find food outside, in a quality that no shop could offer: figs, mulberries, grapes, apples, almonds, olives, herbs...
Map of Southern Spain
South Spain

A map should appear here soon...

Cástaras, 25km east of Órgiva, South Spain

There are many elderly people living in this small village, but there is no public bus and no food to buy. But you can find food outside, in a quality that no supermarket could offer: Every few meters a fig tree, in addition sometimes mulberries, grapes, apples, almonds, olives dried under the tree and wild herbs.

If we go out of the village, there are many footpaths here, some very old, as we already suspect from the construction with natural stones. After about one kilometre we reach our Rawfood Retreat on a small meadow next to a brook. We have set up 2 big blue tarps, because despite the summer a few drops fall from time to time. During the day we make hikes, 2 times in a neighbouring village, because of the special soda containing water, otherwise in the slightly mountainous environment.

Difficulty of planning: It was very nice, but I find the small number of participants a pity. We were mostly only 4 people. We only want to have the retreat with at least 8 participants, but we couldn't skip it, because one participant had booked a flight ticket from Germany. However, more than 20 had registered. Some cancelled, but many simply did not react and did not come. (For some, however, I responded to the registration with a few days delay.) Last year 11 people came with 20 registrations. But we are considering whether in the future we will charge the raw food retreats (contrary to the Rainbow tradition) a registration fee, which we would not refund if they did not show up. Maybe there is no other way. Or does someone have another idea?

After the retreat the three of us did a little Walkabout near Nerja.

You can click on the following photos to get a better quality:

Sunday, 1 Sept 2019

The source of soda-water, Fuente Agria, close to Portugos.

Close by, the Funte Agria goes into a waterfall.

Close-up photo of mulberries while picking

Mulberries with an amazing taste!


Ferreiola and Pitres (up).

Waterfall of Pitres.

Monday, 9 Sept 2019

Siesta at the Walkabout close to Nerja.

Rising up to the clouds.

On the mountain (Cabeza de Caballo) you see 2 people: my companion and me.


Aim'jie and me.


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