River Walkabout
8 - 12 Aug 2021
The Río Chillar is 17km long. Normally that's easy to hike in one day. But the Río Chillar is a special river... .A map should appear here soon...
𖣫 1000mAll elevation gains added up were 1000m
► Barranco de Maro
► Río Chillar
► Nerja-Maro
more beatiful than any garden!
After the Corona restrictions, we were happy to invite you again to a special natural spectacle: a walkabout along the Río Chillar with its gorges, waterfalls and its crystal clear water. There is no agriculture and no settlements there, but beautiful rocks and wilderness everywhere.
According to Wikipedia, the Río Chillar is 17km long. Normally that's easy to hike in one day. But we need several days, as we have to walk through water often. At one point you have to climb a mountain to progress...
We were 5 people (to watch the photos in a better quality, please click on a photo):
Sunday, 8 Aug 2021:
Left: Tomtom, Haruko, Aim'jie
Right: Joachim, I (Meenhard)
We walk some hours through a dry river bed (Barranco de Maro).
Then we have to walk upwards. We follow for a while the GR-249.
It's hot here.
Before we go downwards, we have our last internet session.
We arrive at the Río Chillar and find a good sleeping place.
Gathering in a cave
Often we have to walk through the water.
Here the river becomes a narrow gorge.
The pine trees are amazing. However, this one seems to have difficulties.
The waterfall looks like in Japan. And Haruko is from Japan.
Often there are bathing pools in the river.
Tomtom is tired.
We have hidden our baggage. To find it again, we have put stones on the trunk.
Under the big stone: A natural shower, better than in the best hotel!
Our sleeping place. Haruko and Tomtom back left, Joachim back right, Aim'jie in front.
Breakfast. You see: We are hungry.
There's no shop in the Río Chillar. We brought from home dried fruits, seeds, nuts and raw crackers.
Haruko and Tomtom go home, by walking along an acequia (a small water channel). Here it goes through a tunnel, but there's a path around.
Joachim, Aim'jie and I continue to walk the river upwards. It's dry here, the water is flowing underground...
... and appears again, with more big stones.
A wonderful waterfall, passable by a rope!
💪 Aim'jie 💪
It's a high dry waterfall. We have to take a path around. To get it, we have even more difficulties than Aim'jie here.
Just when it's getting dark, we find this nice flat place for sleeping. Here a photo from next morning.
Far upstream, the water appears again, and the river becomes once again very beautiful...
...and green. The pink flower bush is Oleander. No flower garden could be so wonderful! But if you are thinking to try to get here alone, I fear you won't manage.
We go back. Two times the river bed is dry.
We try to show you a dragon-fly but it's not recognizable. It's hanging on a thread of a garden spider but not able to liberate itself. We help her.
Break. On this spot Aim'jie fasted 3 days in summer 2019.
We have an overnight place and come together.
We walk along this acequia. It brings the drinking and irrigation water to Nerja, bathing is forbidden.. We have to balance, but it gives us a beautiful view.
Here the water flows steeply down this pipe.
Aim'jie and I, walking on the acequia. Joachim walks down in the river bed now. We're thinking to do a similar Walkabout next summer again - you are invited ❤️