Mulberry Retreat
26 Aug - 2 Sept 2022
We were up to 16 people including 5 children between 4 and 11 years from two families. One night we slept in the same place as in 2020 and 2018 near Pórtugos. But on the second day we had to move due to a request from the police...A map should appear here soon...
Near Atalbéitar, 20 km from Órgiva, South Spain
We were up to 16 people including 5 children between 4 and 11 years from two families. One night we slept in the same place as in 2020 and 2018 near Pórtugos. But on the second day we had to move due to a request from the police. We found a beautiful and secluded place close to the villages Atalbeitar and Ferreirola.
We did a hike every day, the area is very beautiful, with a lot of mulberries, figs, almonds, grapes. and blackberries. Close by there is a water source with much soda. It tastes like there's gas in it, we like it. In Atalbeitar and Ferreirola there are sources with normal water. A few meters from our place flows a river with water for washing.
We ate the fruits and almonds that we found and some raw food from our gardens. Only tahini, some seeds and vegetables were bought. Murielle and I used the seeds to make sun-dried crackers. After the retreat, Murielle and I hiked about 15 km from the Retreat to close to Órgiva.
Saturday, 27 Aug 2022:
On the first day we make a trip upwards. The children play like crazy in the water - and are exhausted in the end.
Big waterfall at "Junta de los Rios"
After the police asked us to move because we camped in a national park, we find this abandoned place. We like it even more.
Murielle's and my sleeping place. Now some of you might wonder if I have a new partner... no, no, Aim'jie changed her name to "Murielle".
The "Fuente Agria" at Pórtugos. We find it the most amazing water source around. It contains a lot of iron and soda.
The water goes down into a waterfall. The red color comes from the iron.
After eating mulberries we are so beautiful colored... it's impossible to avoid it if you eat fresh mulberries in the Alpujarras.
Ana upside down in Atalbeitar. And Daniel upside up.
On a day trip it's raining a bit. We find protection under a rock and under plastic.
There are many abandoned almond trees right next to our sleeping place.
The next water source to our place. It contains soda as well. It tastes like it contains gas.
Here they even claim that it has the most gas in the region. However, we doubt, after being in Pórtugos,
The water is "shooting".
We make a day hike and find this pool close to the village Fondales and to the Río Trevélez.
The children enjoy it... and are exhausted again in the end of the day.
The children are the first to find the way down to the river.
Tomtom, Haruko and her both sons...
...but she has also a daughter. It's here, enjoying the grapes.
Yoga class with Krista, an excellent teacher
An old chestnut tree with a young yoga teacher
The families leave because of the children. One has a torn ligaments in the foot after a jump, another one an upside down stomach, one is longing for his computer games...
Food circle
Workshop of Murielle: we produce lactofermentation. We cut vegetables and herbs in pieces and put them in the clean glass.
We add water with 3% salt up to 2 cm under the top.
We close the glasses. We use this kind of glasses with rubber rings. They let CO2 out but no O2 in. Don't buy the cheapest ones!
The fermentation is ready after 3 weeks. But you can keep them even several years. We store them here behind the stones for the next Retreat in August 2023.
Murielle and I leave, we walk from the Retreat to Órgiva. The other participants stay a few days longer.
I walked the whole week barefoot. Here are some cut thorn branches on the way. I'm slower, but I'm getting through fine.
It's an old way, made with much effort.
Murielle is not going to jump... but to sit down.
Only 2 hours and 20 min to Órgiva?? By the photo we notice: the sign is manipulated!
I slept well, I created a soft and flat sleeping place in the high grass.
After collecting many almonds, we run out of time because we have to catch a bus. But after this bridge, we get a road and a lift to Órgiva.
Next Retreat: 14 - 20 Aug 2023
Invite all your familiy and friends who want to spend a week with nature lovers! Details: see invitation.