Mulberry Retreat

16 - 20 Aug 2023

We were up to 12 people including 2 children of 5 and 10 years. 5 of us have been there several times, the others were newcomers. The place was the same as last year. There are many mulberries, figs, almonds, grapes, blackberries, and water sources...
Map of Southern Spain
South Spain

A map should appear here soon...

Near Atalbéitar, 20 km from Órgiva, South Spain

We were up to 12 people including 2 children of 5 and 10 years. 5 of us have been there several times, the others were newcomers. The place was the same as last year, close to the villages Atalbéitar and Ferreirola. The weather was hotter than last year; in the afternoon, we often took a break.

We did a hike every day. The area is very beautiful, with a lot of mulberries, figs, almonds, grapes. and blackberries. Close by there is a water source with much soda. It tastes like there's gas in it, we like it. In Atalbbéitar and Ferreirola there are sources with normal water. A few meters from our place flows a river with water for washing.

We ate the fruits and almonds that we found and some raw food from our gardens. Only some seeds and vegetables were bought. If you saw the report of the Mulberry Retreat 2022, you might be curious, what happened with our lactofermentation that we wanted to eat after one year hiding in the rocks? You'll find the answer in the photos:

Wednesday, 16 Aug 2023

5 of us get by public busses to the retreat. We have to walk a few km. We are very slow - because of the mulberry trees...

3 participants at the retreat place

Finally we arrive.


Murielle and I at the waterfall. The rocks are red.

Waterfall at the amazing "Fuente Agria" near Pórtugos. This water contains soda and iron and has a special taste with gas. I told the participants that it is not water, but beer ;-)

5 particioants at a mulberry tree

Mulberry trees everywhere

After a year of being hidden in the rocks, I dig out our 2 jars of lactofermentation. The one with beetroot is good, the round glass with pumkin is moldy.


Salad, lettuce, avocado, grapes and the glass of lactofermentation on flat stones on the ground

We have prepared a salad...

8 participants including 2 children sitting, hugging and waveing around the food

...and enjoy it in the food circle. Also the lactofermentation of beet root is there.



In the summer heat, 5 people from Mulberry Retreat cool off in the river.

Big rock with holes, looking like a suffering face

Do you see the face in the rock? Seems to suffer in the heat.

3 participants staying at a rock, plants around

"Salto de Paula", a beautiful green place with waterfall

2 jars of lactofermentation, the left one with slides of eggplant, the right one with yellow pumkin

In the evening the most participants left. Murielle and I prepared the lactofermentation for next year (left eggplants and pumkin, right only pumkin, both with garlic and ginger) and hide it in the rocks again.


Retreat place, in the foreground Murielle in her sleeping bag and things of mine

In the morning, the place is already quite empty. Soon the last participants also say goodbye to this special place.

The next Mulberry Retreat...

...will be in Aug 2024 on the same place. Invite your family and friends to spend a few days with us experiencing the healing power of nature!


Sofi Gibson said…
Thank you so much for some lovely sharing and days in nature. I want to come next year to. Big hug Sofi
Meenhard Fokken said…
Well, then we already have two registrations for next year. 'Cause I'll be there too 😊
Meenhard Fokken said…
Krista, the yoga teacher, and her daughter Hope plan to come as well!
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